
Me at Home

I am a wife of 15 years/mom to a second-grader, and the three of us live in a cozy 100+year-old home. While all of us love a cozy lifestyle, I especially pride myself on the small joys that make the days special. Opening the curtains while my coffee brews, snuggling with a heated blanket in our cold winters, sitting on the front porch first thing in the morning while the birds chirp, decorating the house for the seasons, planning themed weekends for our daughter, and enjoying daily family time are all part of the life I love here in our little brown house.

You’ll most often find me cooking vegan food in the kitchen, playing games or writing at the dining room table, or sitting on the couch in our “fireplace room” reading a book.

Me with a Book

I am a constant reader who finds solace in books no matter where I am, whether it’s cuddled up in bed, sitting in an airport, or waiting for a doctor’s appointment. I like to welcome the morning with a blanket, coffee, and book through the cold winter months or with coffee on my front porch through the summer months.

I am a reader across genres, averaging 60-100 books per year. I prefer literary fiction, but I also love seasonal reads like breezy summer beach books and quaint wintry/Christmas tales. Other genres I enjoy are thriller/mystery, middle-grade, and horror.

Me Playing Board Games

I think boardgaming is the perfect hobby: it is social, it develops creative and critical thinking, it is secretly educational while being fun, and it gathers friends and families together around the table without screens. It’s laughter and memories and really fun moments.

Board games are a way of life in our household. We play games as a family about four days each week, and my husband and I play games together about four days each week too. It goes beyond just getting a game to the table though – it’s interacting with the board game community on Instagram, participating in the Facebook board game groups I belong to, sitting and watching our favorite YouTube channels, logging plays on Board Game Arena, and doing the research for the games we should buy next.

I am also on the review team with The Family Gamers – if you’re looking for your next family board game, check out the podcast and website!

Me at Work

I am a former high school educator (Spanish), and a current writer with the marketing team of a travel agent host agency that oversees thousands of travel professionals around the country. I also work as a travel agent for our company’s retail office, booking honeymoons, family vacations, reunions, and more.

I’d love to hear from you!

stephanie@cozylittlebrownhouse.com / @cozylittlebrownhouse