A Few Podcasts I Love

I. Love. Podcasts.

I listen to podcasts constantly – when I am cooking and cleaning in the kitchen, when I am out walking, when I am driving to pick up our grocery order, when I go to bed, when I am on airplanes and by swimming pools.

Over the past ten years, I have watched personal favorites cease production (Yeah, It’s That Bad; Seen / Unseen) and new podcasts emerge to take the world by storm (Serial; Dirty John). I am constantly on the hunt for new podcasts, and always enjoy sharing my recommendations with others.

Here are some of my current top picks:

Currently Reading

When The Currently Reading  Podcast made its debut a couple of years ago, I felt like I had truly found my reading people. I was missing Books on the Nightstand quite a bit and hadn’t really found another reading podcast that really struck a chord with me (and boy, did I check out many).

This has become a favorite of mine for two main reasons:
1.) Hosts Meredith and Kaytee are great – they are warm, genuine, enthusiastic, and have awesome chemistry when chatting books together. It’s an easy banter than makes for an easy listen. 
2.) My book tastes align with theirs quite a bit, and if they recommend something and have strong opinions about it, I know to immediately add it to my reading list.

Each episode features a “bookish moment of the week”, a rundown of what each host is currently reading, a discussion topic, and a book each host wants to press into readers’ hands.

Where to Start? I recommend downloading any, since this is an easy podcast to duck in and out of.

I Hate It But I Love It

While this (primarly) movie-driven podcast isn’t new, it is new-ish to me, and I started bingeing episodes at bedtime during the pandemic. There are FEW podcasts that make me laugh out loud (see also Yeah, It’s That Bad) but the incredible quick wit of hosts Kat Angus (editor for Buzzfeed) and Jocelyn Gedde (television writer and comedian) always make me smile, at the very least.

Each episode is a deep-dive into one film (a couple of television series have been covered as well) and the women break down their past experiences with the movie, their thoughts on the rewatch, if they would recommend checking it out, and a full recap of the plot (which is usually when I start cracking up.) You’re not going to see any Oscar-winning titles here…look for episodes covering the likes of Varsity Blues, Practical Magic, Scream, and The Net.

Where to Start? I recommend scanning the list and downloading the I Hate it But I Love It episodes that feature movies you remember watching (and maybe liking).

True Crime Garage

Join Nic and The Captain from the garage in Columbus, Ohio, as they crack open a featured beer and embark on a thorough investigation and retelling of a true crime case, either solved or unsolved. Covering both famous and relatively unknown cases, the guys really do their research, presenting very in-depth coverage of the events, suspects, and timeline of the crimes. While some cases are presented in one to two episodes, some span four or more, really diving into the details. My hope with the popularity of true crime podcasts is that more people learn about unsolved cases, perhaps leading to their eventual solving. Nic and The Captain are generally good about warning about speaking of more gruesome details, so if you’re sensitive (like me) you can skip those episodes or segments.

Where to Start? If you’re looking for a particular case, there’s a good chance the guys have covered it, so just do a search on the True Crime Garage page. If you’re not sure where to begin, you might use this list as inspiration. Cases/episodes that have piqued my interest have been Brian Shaffer, Maura Murray, and Jennifer Kesse. I am always hopeful that the more ears hearing about unsolved cases, the more likely someone will remember something or have information helpful to law enforcement.

Sorta Awesome

Sorta Awesome makes me super happy. Meg, Rebekah, and Kelly know how to put a smile on my face discussing all of the awesomes of life. Each show kicks off with an “awesome of the week” and the hosts tell listeners about ANYTHING that brought them joy that week – this could be a beauty product, a YouTube channel, a type of planner, or a recipe website…literally, anything. From there, they discuss the week’s topic – this could be of the lighter variety such as personality types, interesting true crime cases, seasonal must-lists, television shows, or go-to recipes, or veer heavier by exploring themes such as developing social skills, navigating quarantine, or overcoming analysis paralysis. I always come away from each episode with good ideas and/or products to check out, so this podcast is always on my recommended list.

Where to Start: I especially love their seasonal episodes (including the holiday gift guide) so maybe check out Awesome List for Summer 2021 (episode #305) for some ideas on how to make this summer a super one! (As of writing this, I haven’t listened to this episode yet!)

The Family Gamers Podcast

Husband and wife Andrew and Anitra love board games, and their enthusiasm for family boardgaming with their three children is infectious. This weekly podcast kicks off with a recap of what the adults and family have been playing lately, then offers listeners SNAP Reviews and a discussion topic. If you’re excited to intoduce your family to modern boardgaming and gameschooling, The Family Gamers is a great resource as you start the journey.

Where to Start: Episode 168 features the family’s favorite Gamewright Games, a publisher that produces many games our family loves too. Episode 194, Quick Games, offers recommendations for games that have both quick set-up and play time. If you’re looking to move away from traditional mass-market games, try any of the episodes titled “Play This, Not That”.

Do you love podcasts? Tell me some of your favorites in the comments!